Consultant Anaesthetist Glasgow Royal Infirmary
BSc (Hons), MBChB (Hons), MRCP, FRCA, EDRA
Alan undertook his anaesthetic training in the West of Scotland, concluding with a year-long fellowship in regional anaesthesia at Toronto Western Hospital in 2008. He returned to Glasgow to take up a consultant post in 2009 where he is a full time clinician, as well as an Honorary Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Glasgow. He became president of RA-UK in 2021.
Alan is an Editor for BJA Education, on the associate Editorial board of the BJA. He is also on the RA scientific subcommittee of the European Society of Anaesthesiology and this year joined the board of the European Diploma of Regional Anaesthesia. Alan is interested in RA and outcomes and has published widely in the field of RA. He has organised RA meetings locally, nationally and internationally and has demonstrated at workshops and lectured worldwide.
Twitter - @ajrmacfarlane
Prof Alan Macfarlane will be speaking at the RA-UK & ISURA 2022 Joint Scientific Meeting!