Consultant Anaesthetist at Quironsalud. Malaga. Spain
Qualification: MBBS, FRCA, MSc, PhD
Areas of Interest: Regional anaesthetist with special interest and research areas in the thoracic wall blocks (pecs and serratus plane plock) and quadratus lumborum block.
Education / Awards: She performed a MSc in 2008, completed her training period in 2010 in Spain, she has been working as Consultant in Spain for 3 years. She obtained FRCA equivalent in 2012, and finished her PhD in 2013.
Publications / Research: She has been the research lead in Anaesthetic Department at St George´s Hospital from 2015 until 2018. Published 32 papers, and co-author of 3 books and 7 chapters of books. She is the PI for two RCTs in rib fractures analgesia and postoperative analgesia in patients undergoing c-sections. Carried out one clinical trial in 2012 and several research and educational projects, as e-LA from Royal College of Anaesthesia (RCoA) and Anaesthesia Tutorial of the week (ATOTW).
Teaching: Regular speaker and demonstrator in conferences and courses in regional anaesthesia at national and international level. Associate professor at Medical School of Malaga.
Dr Teresa Parras will be speaking at the RA-UK & ISURA 2022 Joint Scientific Meeting!